A few weeks ago, the Radishes took a break from hacking away on their keyboards to get their handcrafting skills on with some DIY art. We’ve had this huge white wall in the office screaming for some attention. As a result, Ed our Interactive Director, had the great idea of creating a company timeline to fill the wall. His vision to bring our office more color and life by covering the wall with documentation of Radish Lab’s past, present, and future was something that resonated with all of us. What better way to show off all the highlights, accomplishments, and happenings at Radish Lab since our start in 2013?!
Our team prepared by stocking up on colorful paper, glue and mounting tack. We ordered prints of all of our Instagram photos – a pile of hundreds of images capturing everything going on at Radish since the beginning 5 years ago. We also ordered a bunch of craft beer because what is craft night without craft beer to keep us going? Craft squared!
We divided the wall into six sections with an empty space for 2018 to be filled in down the line, so this will be an ongoing project that we can keep adding to for years to come. Some of the team’s more experienced crafters cut out the numbers for each year in paper using a template from our brand font, and we cut and painted stars to match the star lights hanging from our tall ceilings. In addition, we recreated our logomark and framed some of the photos with colored paper matching our brand palette. We realized that paper cutting and crafting was the perfect way to slow down and become mindful after a busy day working on client projects, and we highly recommend it as an alternative to coloring books!
The Result

We spend the majority of our time sitting in front of the computer. To step away from the screen for a bit to do some hands-on work, get the creative juices flowing, and go outside of our digital bubble was a really positive experience, so stay tuned for more Radish craft nights in the future! In the meantime, we’ll keep adding to the timeline wall as we share experiences as a team and our company continues to grow.