This blog is part of a three-part series. Check out parts one and two: ‘The big questions’ and ‘The details.’ Do you have a project in mind? We’d love to hear about it.
Part 3: The right agency
Congratulations! You’ve written your RFP and you’re ready to share it with the world. Here are a few steps we recommend you take to let the right agencies find you.

We recommend you:
1. Create a deadline at least two weeks (and ideally further) away.
You want to see the best proposals – not the quickest ones – and thoughtful proposals take time to prepare. Setting a deadline at least two weeks out (and ideally at least one month away) gives agencies more space to brainstorm, research, and put together a proposal that speaks to your needs.
2. Label the posting/file clearly and post widely.
Think about including phrases like “website redesign RFP,” “organizational rebrand,” “creative agency,” or “creative services” in your RFP to help agencies find your project. In addition to sharing on RFP posting services, consider sharing it on social media, LinkedIn, and your website, and asking colleagues for recommendations. Sharing your RFP in as many places as possible will ensure you don’t miss your perfect agency match.
3. Post a live version of the RFP with a downloadable file on your website.
Creating a landing page for your RFP and circulating this way will be useful in the event you make any changes, and will also help your RFP to show up in web searches. With this structure, you can easily include a note at the top of the page with any updates to let agencies know.
4. Consider offering one-on-one calls and/or a group touchpoint to field questions about the project.
Collaborating with agencies during the proposal process will enable you to solicit more tailored proposals. If you don’t want to field calls with agencies, another option is to provide a form or email address where agencies can submit questions, and then publish the responses to all bidders.