One month ago, I began interning as a crunchy and richly-pigmented vegetable (unless we’re talking about daikons).
My first task was to join our team’s Slack workspace– after which, I happily jumped into the #dawgz and #catz channel, indulging in snapshots of my new team’s furry friends. “Wow, this is already awesome”, I thought. But setting all the cuteness aside…
Even though this was work, it also felt personal.
It didn’t take long to understand why. Team bonding is built into Radish’s work culture, whether we are:
- kicking off Jour Fixe (the name of our Monday weekly meeting which I have yet to pronounce correctly) with a weekend share-out;
- discussing the latest book club read, Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman;
- watching the trailer of ‘Cats the Musical’ (coming soon to theaters) over team lunch, or;
- wondering how Mercury in retrograde may be causing strange happenings to life on Earth.
Radish Lab feels like a close-knit group of friends– while also being a team of high-caliber professionals dedicated to the shared goal of serving organizations who are doing good in the world.
What have I been up to?
I’ve been working on UX for one of our big projects of the year – a website redesign for the Women’s Refugee Commission. I also create style guides, lay out project proposals, and provide any other design support. Despite being a new recruit, my team didn’t hesitate to throw me into the to-do’s, while providing a strong support system for that to happen successfully. Learn by doing? Happy to!
Looking forward to being a part of this team and part of a larger mission to bring good design to the social impact space– tis’ the season to be a Radish!
– Bonnie