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My name is Mark, and I managed to convince the fine folks at Radish Lab that it would be a great idea for them to hire me as their Administrative Guru. It’s only been a few days, but here’s what I’ve picked up so far:

  • Having a dog in the office > not having a dog in the office.
  • Lots of new vocab. I’ll never say “those drawings of websites before you actually make them and stuff” when I mean “wireframes” again.
  • Putting together IKEA furniture is a great way to start your first day.
  • A giant jar of jellybeans leads to a productive work environment.
  • Carrying ten gallons of water up four flights of stairs is never as easy as you think it’ll be.
  • People don’t always roll their eyes if you tell them you’re into 80’s country music.
  • I learned more than I ever thought I’d need to know about high-density foam cushions.
  • And, you know, I also learned about scheduling, RFPs, project management, bookkeeping, and SOWs. That sort of stuff.

All in all, Radish Lab has built an awesome group of people. I’m lucky to work at such a welcoming office, and I’m super duper stoked to be working with a fun, smart, and driven team. I’ve got some big shoes to fill, and it’ll be a while before I’m 100% up to speed on everything, but for now I’m just excited to be a Radish.

Mark Drake, Radish Lab